How a New Child or Marriage May Affect Child Support
July 18, 2022
It's common for individuals who were previously married or have children from previous relationships to get remarried and/or have new children. But how can having a new child or getting married again affect your existing child support or alimony obligation?
If We Get a Divorce, Do I Have to Move Out?
June 8, 2022
Going through a divorce can be emotional for everyone involved. Issues of living arrangements often arise before or after filing the divorce petition.
Understanding Grandparent Visitation Rights
April 27, 2022
When two parents divorce, it means a complete rebuilding of the family's life. One important group that often gets overlooked in this area, however, is grandparents.
Understanding Same-Sex Divorces
April 13, 2022
Any divorce, no matter the circumstances, is difficult. It involves the dissolution of a relationship and all that entails.
Dispelling Adoption Myths For Stepparents
March 15, 2022
One of the greatest joys in the world is having children, but not all of us arrive at family life in the same way. For some of us, we marry someone who already has children of their own and help in raising them.
I Was Just Served With Divorce Papers. Now What?
Feb. 7, 2022
When you tie the knot with the love of your life, you're typically not thinking about the possibility of divorce down the road.
Does Adultery Affect Divorce in Minnesota?
Jan. 23, 2022
All divorces are unique because all relationships are unique, and you may have questions regarding your specific circumstances. A common question that comes up is how adultery can affect the outcome of a divorce.
Understanding Pre-Nuptial Agreements
Nov. 30, 2021
Falling in love is a beautiful thing. Getting engaged and marrying your sweetheart is an incredible milestone filled with lots of excitement.
Is It Possible to Relocate with My Children?
Oct. 13, 2021
More than 350,000 Minnesota children live in a single-parent household, many because their parents divorced or no longer live with one another. Having a relationship with both parents is vital to the well-being of most children, regardless of their parents'
Common Misconceptions About Divorce
July 30, 2021
No matter where you are in the divorce process, having a family law attorney who will assess your circumstances and walk you through all of your legal options is important. The Law Office of Glen A. Norton focuses on making the process as painless as possible for both you and your family.
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